HI Lahiru,

I see that both of your profiles are active by default, so you’re going to get 

That means that Maven has to combine them for you, which is likely to result in 
something you don’t want. 


On Apr 8, 2014, at 12:02 PM, Lahiru Gunathilake <glah...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi All,
> I made my parent pom[1] with multiple profiles, and my requirement is the
> enable different types of tests for each profiles.
> When I just put the default profiles and test it my excludes in default
> profile works fine, but when i add another new profile with a different
> name (ex: gridTests) and try the default profile, it actually run my
> excludes in the new profiles. I have copied my profile configuration below.
> Can someone please help me whats wrong I am doing or is it a bug in maven.
> This is my maven environment.
> Apache Maven 3.0.2 (r1056850; 2011-01-08 19:58:10-0500)
> Java version: 1.6.0_24, vendor: Apple Inc.
> Java home: /System/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/1.6.0.jdk/Contents/Home
> Default locale: si, platform encoding: MacRoman
> OS name: "mac os x", version: "10.6.8", arch: "x86_64", family: "mac"
> [1]http://pastebin.com/xwvjH45H
> Lahiru
> -- 
> System Analyst Programmer
> PTI Lab
> Indiana University

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