On 13 June 2014 00:16, Hohl, Gerrit <g.h...@aurenz.de> wrote:

> We use Maven and Jenkins for about 1.5 years now, I guess. Until now the
> Maven projects have been very simple and - let's say - very monolithic.
> But recently we identify more and more internal libraries in our
> products. Of course we don't want to share this libraries by
> copy-n-paste between the products - especially as we have Maven.
> So we started to read books, tutorials on the Internet and so on. But

Can you list what you've read so far?
I assume you've gone through the ones we link at the Maven site?

> most of them only deal with simple projects. They don't cover e.g.
> versioning the build process (especially if your build process consists
> of more than just one step). They also don't cover the problems of
> developing the libraries while your developing the products which depend
> on them. Especially at the beginning your libraries will go through a
> lot of changes. A few name snapshots as a solution, but don't explain
> how you can work using them, how you can use them in your pom.xml and
> how you deal with them if you finally switch your product and/or your
> library from the snapshot state to the release state. A few also say
> that you shouldn't use snapshots at all because it will result in many
> problems (e.g. having -SNAPSHOT entries in your pom.xml). Nightly builds
> or build triggered by the SCM are also an issue here.

I highly recommend that you sit down locally with your group and write up a
list of questions, and then document them on your internal wiki.
Work through which ones are causing you the most pain (whatever that may
be; confusion, build stability, slow build times, etc)
And after you've done some googling, searched the archives, etc, then come
back and ask the questions individually here.

A lot of the problem you will find when you get to this level is that it's
hard to express the concepts if you haven't already been exposed to them
And we can't give the advice you want because we have to both upskill and
explain options and their alternatives.

Look for blogs by active members of the community, some that come to mind
are (in no particular order):
  * Brian Fox - http://blog.sonatype.com/author/brian/
  * Stephen Connolly - http://javaadventure.blogspot.com.au/
  * Ron Wheeler - http://blog.artifact-software.com/tech/?author=2

And when you think you've found the answers - contribute them back to the

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