System:  WIN7, JasperSoft Studio 5.6.1(Eclipse Juno), Maven 3.2.3, GITSCC

I am brand new to Maven and am trying to get Maven setup. I got to the point 
where I could get a response with mvn -version.     Now I am trying to set a 
master password.  When I enter mvn  -emp xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx I get an error 
that tells me
[FATAL] Non-parseable settings .......m2\settings.xml: TEXT must be immediately 
followed by END_TAG and not START_TAG <position START_TAG seen ..... 

I looked settings.xml over and didn't see any unclosed tags.   When I opened it 
in MS XML Editor it did complain about it.  I imported it into Eclipse and it 
said <localRepository> needed an end tag - even though it has one in the body:
<?xml version="1.0"

<settings xmlns="";
  <localRepository>c:/Documents and 
    <!-- Used for deploying snapshots to maven....<snip> -->
    <!-- Your username and password for maven......<snip> -->
    <!-- Used for deploying releases to maven. ....<snip>
    <!-- Your username and password for maven. ....<snip> -->
    <!-- Used for deploying sites to java. ....<snip> -->
    <!-- Your username and password for maven. ....<snip> -->

Eclipse suggested adding </localRepository>right before </settings> so I tried 
that.  It stopped complaining and MS XML Editor successfully showed it now.    
I still get the same error however.  I also tried it just as shown on the Maven 
setup page    - -encrypt-master-password  xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.  Still no luck. 
  What could be going wrong here?


Doug Johnson

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