Hi Dan,

> What I really need is a way to determine only the deps (and sub deps)
> for the application itself.

Maven makes this really easy. As others have said, the dependency plugin
has several helpful goals.

If all you need is to _list_ the dependencies, then you already found
dependency:tree. There is also dependency:list which gives you a flat list.
And then there is Eclipse (via the M2E plugin), which has a beautiful and
searchable Dependencies view if you double-click the pom.xml file.

If what you need is all the JAR files in a single place, then try:

    mvn dependency:copy-dependencies

This actually copies all JAR files of your project's dependencies into the
target/dependencies folder. You can then ZIP them up or do whatever with

If you want to automate that process, then the maven-assembly-plugin is
your best friend. You can tell it to make an archive containing your
application JAR, dependency JARs, and other resources. It is highly
configurable. The documentation is a bit arcane, but it is really worth
learning. If you get stuck, just ask for help here!

If what you want is to use Maven to _launch_ your application, then the
exec-maven-plugin is what you need. It has an exec:java goal that launches
the given Java main class, with all the dependencies on your classpath.

And in all cases, you should never need to do anything crazy with
~/.m2/repository. Please understand that that is a _cache_ used by the mvn
tools, and not intended for use facilitating your build or deployment
processes. I would strongly suggest working with Maven for a bit longer
before you decide to try doing anything clever with the repo cache.


On Wed, Mar 11, 2015 at 10:22 AM, Dan <dc12...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Thanks again for the help.  I understand that what I'm doing is not
> standard, but I still have to implement.
> So I know if i run dependency:tree on a simple pom with no deps, I still
> get well over 200 artifacts downloaded. So I am also under the assumption
> that the majority are requirements of maven or the dep plugin rather then
> my app.
> What I really need is a way to determine only the deps (and sub deps) for
> the application itself.
> I have two approaches I'm thinking of taking.
> 1. (Doesn't meet the all the requirements, but gets me out of a jam
> temporarily).   Instead of creating rpms for every artifact, only package
> up the ones which actually have a jar file in the directory.
> 2. Parse the output of dependency:tree, and package up only what is listed
> in that visual ascii tree. (ie: grep '^\[INFO\]').  I'm just don't know if
> I can be 100% sure that the tree does in fact list everything that I need.
> Here are the somewhat sanitized pom files, and the output i'm getting.
> # App 1
> http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=Dg3Fbaue
> http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=NEhrtwF4
> # App 2
> http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=180zUFLe
> http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=VEueXysC
> On 03/11/2015 02:19 AM, Baptiste Mathus wrote:
>> Oh right, I didn't get your meaning. You're right, could be that, indeed.
>> Should check the plugin sources to be sure.
>> 2015-03-11 7:06 GMT+01:00 Cintia Del Rio <miladyarte...@gmail.com>:
>>  When you invoke the dependency:tree, maven will download the dependency
>>> tree plugin and all the dependencies it needs to run that plugin.
>>> So I'd expect that every jar you now have in your local repository
>>> (~/.m2)
>>> is a dependency of the dependency:tree plugin.
>>> On 11 March 2015 at 17:02, Baptiste Mathus <m...@batmat.net> wrote:
>>>  Could you rephrase? You think pom.xml is a dependency of the
>>>> "dependency:tree" goal? If so, then the answer is no.
>>>> Cheers
>>>> 2015-03-11 6:59 GMT+01:00 Cintia Del Rio <miladyarte...@gmail.com>:
>>>>  Isn't it a dependency of the dependency plugin itself?
>>>>> On 11 March 2015 at 16:51, Baptiste Mathus <bmat...@batmat.net> wrote:
>>>>>  Well, in that case, since you're asking for the dependency:tree I'm
>>>>> even
>>>>> surprised there's any jar downloaded. Maven would only need pom to
>>>>> compute
>>>>>> that. Downloading Jars is only done when needed (say for compiling,
>>>>> etc.)
>>>>> Btw, do you really type "mvn dependency:tree pom.xml" ? What do you
>>>>> expect?
>>>>>> The "pom.xml" part is gonna lead to an error since pom.xml is not a
>>>>> goal
>>>>> and that's what's supposed to be listed after mvn.
>>>>>> As for your question: I suppose oro is a transitive dependency of one
>>>>> of
>>>>> the things you depend on. mvn dependency:tree should generally show
>>>>> it
>>>> btw.
>>>>>> Cheers
>>>>>> 2015-03-10 15:22 GMT+01:00 D C <dc12...@gmail.com>:
>>>>>>  I am trying to download all dependencies from a pom file.  My steps
>>>>>> are:
>>>>>> 1. delete .m2/repository
>>>>>>> 2. mvn dependency:tree pom.xml
>>>>>>> Everything looks good, however as I browse the .m2 directory I can
>>>>>> see
>>>>> that
>>>>>>> for some artifacts  maven only downloaded the pom file, and did not
>>>>>>> download the associated jar.  I then repeat the process on another
>>>>>> pom
>>>>> file.  This time the jar file is present for that same artifact.
>>>>>>> There are multiple artifacts that this happens on, but for
>>>>>> troubleshooting
>>>>>>> I'm just focusing on oro-2.0.8.   Neither of my poms declare oro,
>>>>>> so
>>>> this
>>>>>> is a sub-dependency somewhere down the chain.  The process can be
>>>>>>> reproduced every time,  and I can see from the output that the
>>>>>> oro-2.0.8
>>>>>> pom file is downloaded from the same location (local artifactory)
>>>>>> in
>>>> both
>>>>>> cases.
>>>>>>> Does anyone know why maven would download a pom file, and then not
>>>>>> attempt
>>>>>>> to download the associated jar?
>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>> Dan
>>> --
>>> -------
>>> Sent from TARDIS. Typos might be a timey whyney thingy.
>>> Enviado da TARDIS, podem existir erros devido à diferenças de
>>> espaço-tempo.
>>> Cintia Del Rio
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