Hi Gary,

> I'm trying to patch a third-party plugin at the moment as a temporary
> workaround for a problem. (I don't want to get into details because
> it's not important)

Since the workaround is temporary, could you not simply clone the plugin's
SCM repository to a local Git repository, then create a branch with your
changes? Then rebuild the plugin whenever you like and use it. No need for
all the hoop-jumping it sounds like you're doing now...


On Mon, Mar 23, 2015 at 5:41 PM, Gary Kennedy <g...@apnic.net> wrote:

> I'm trying to patch a third-party plugin at the moment as a temporary
> workaround for a problem. (I don't want to get into details because it's
> not important)
> So I currently have a 'patch project' that depends on the plugin, uses the
> maven-dependency-plugin to unpack the dependant plugin (without the
> replacement files), contains the replacement files, does some replacer
> magic on the extracted plugin.xml to fixup the version/etc, and then
> package it all.
> This all works fine, in that the new project jar is a good content copy of
> the old plugin with all the changes needed.
> However, when using the new plugin, several dependency errors occur.
> (i.e., the dependencies of the old plugin are not pulled in).
> This confused me for a while because the maven plugin.xml file correctly
> lists all the dependencies. After a bit more playing around I worked out
> that this is because the plugin dependency resolution comes from the
> plugins pom.xml and NOT the plugin.xml file.
> So my main question for the group is: How/Can I, at build time, add the
> dependency (and properties, if possible) section from the old plugin pom
> into my new plugin's artefact pom? (So not the project pom itself, but the
> one written to the maven repository)
> And because I'm curious, does anyone know,
>    a) why the plugin.xml contains the dependencies if they are not used?
> or b) why the pom.xml is used instead of the plugin.xml to resolve
> dependencies? (I suspect aether + coding simplicity for this one)
> Cheers,
> Gary
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