This is the error:
Failed to execute goal on project scheduler.core: Could not resolve dependencies for project org.openiot:scheduler.core:war:0.0.1: The following artifacts could not be resolved: org.openiot:utils.commons:jar:0.0.1, org.openiot:lsm-light.client:jar:0.0.1: Failure to find org.openiot:utils.commons:jar:0.0.1 in was cached in the local repository, resolution will not be reattempted until the update interval of jboss-ga-repository has elapsed or updates are forced -> [Help1]

Il 21/07/2015 20:28, Greg Trasuk ha scritto:
Hi Simone:

The mailing list appears to block screenshots.  Could you copy/paste the text 
of the error message?


Greg Trasuk
On Jul 21, 2015, at 2:17 PM, Simone <> wrote:


My name is Simone Sciarretta, I am student at the University of Pisa in
the Communications Engineering Department
I am experimenting a problem with the OpenIoT platform, and particularly
when I am following the example of executing the command "mvn clean
package jboss-as:deploy" in the library scheduler.core
described in the deliverable D4.3.1. I get an error that restrict me to
create the file .war and I have not find the way to resolve this problem.
I am including a screen shot of the error and I will appreciate if you
can help me to understand and tell me what is the problem?

If I have to enforce some changes in the repository or modify something
in th pom.xml file please let me know?

In advance thank you very  much for your help.


Simone Sciarretta

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