On 24 July 2015 at 13:30, V. Mark Lehky <mark.le...@gmail.com> wrote:

> So you're suggesting controlling this via version numbers?
> Have projectB depend on projectA:1.0.1-SNAP, while projectA is actively
> being worked on the next version, say 1.0.2-SNAP? Or something like that?
> On 07/23/2015 07:48 PM, Paul Benedict wrote:
>> It sounds like both your projects are snapshots. So when you build
>> B-SNAPSHOT you have no idea what's inside of A-SNAPSHOT. If this is
>> bothersome to you, you can think about releasing milestone versions of A
>> so
>> that B-SNAPSHOT always has a known/reliable codebase to work with. Perhaps
>> you want weekly snapshots to be released, for example, but you definitely
>> want to lock down A's version for B.
He is saying:

projectB depends on projectA:1.0.1 (Note the lack of -SNAPSHOT).
projectA dependon on projectB:1.0.2 (again no snapshot).

So at regular, and determined intervals, you merge your work back onto HEAD.
When you do, cut a release - they are free and cheap, you can just create
as many as you need.
Then your branch projects can decide when they want to move to the point
That way they are isolated from each other, have a known release state, and
can easily switch back to previous versions when a release is deficient.
You won't be able to do this with the SNAPSHOT approach.

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