On 9 September 2015 at 08:14, Dan Tran <dant...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi
> I have a scenario where I use a maven reactor multi-modules build to
> orchestrate a vmware OVA build from scratch ( start with ISO, create
> initial VM, apply additional provisioning, export to OVA, deploy, and test)
> The poms have properties which can be overridden  via -Dx=y to build on
> non-default environment, but there  are too many to account for
> So far I found
> http://www.mojohaus.org/properties-maven-plugin/set-system-properties-mojo.html
> but the initial experiment is not good.
> Perhaps, this feature must come from maven core? if so, is it a lot of
> effort to add this feature? and how?
> is there a similar need like this from Maven community?
> Advice is greatly appreciated

 Put the properties into a profile in ~/.m2/settings.xml and then activate
it via -P

mvn -Pci

With the profile activate rat will now be skipped.

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