I turned off the block.

On 22/09/2015 3:40 PM, Kevin Burton wrote:
Weird. Looks like the blog.artifact-software.com isn’t responding to DNS .
At least on our network..

On Tue, Sep 22, 2015 at 11:29 AM, Ron Wheeler <
rwhee...@artifact-software.com> wrote:

You have clearly given this a lot of thought and your project is just a
bit less than twice as large as ours so I am not sure about giving advice.

http://blog.artifact-software.com/tech/?p=84 is an article that I wrote a
few years ago dealing with our approach to the same problem.

Our solution to the version management problem may not be to your tastes
but it did save us a lot of grief and served us well once we got through
the first few releases where we were touching every piece of source code on
each release.

We essentially started treating our own code as if it was OSS.
This made us think about modularity and functional separation into
projects and changed our ideas about versions.


On 22/09/2015 1:47 PM, Kevin Burton wrote:

We have a multi-module setup whereby we have about 150 independent

Our build takes a long time and actually slows down development as we have
to do a compile of a LOT of source code to rebuild the project.

Additionally, we have a lot of code that we want to Open Source.

This has meant git submodules the IMO git submodules really don’t work
using branches.  They break and require a whole bunch of custom works and
hack and when they DO break it’s confusing how to resolve them.

This has meant that we’ve not really done a good job of OSSing our code
base as its just too hard.

What we’ve done to date is just have one major version number across all
our projects.  So upgrading them and fixing their dependencies means that
just have to change a version number everywhere and I’m done.

What I was thinking of is changing this strategy to use the maven
"versions:use-latest-versions” plugin.

What i would do is have a parent directory named ‘spinn3r’ which just has
bunch of git submodules.  We NEVER branch in this directory.

It also means that any of our developers can check it out so that they
all of our source code.

At this point I can use a normal development strategy for each project.
They don’t use submodules which enables us to branch/merge easily.

I can also have a dedicated IntelliJ or Eclipse project for each one and
switch between them.

Now the main issue I have is how do I bump releases easily and make sure
all my code is using the latest version of its sibling projects.

In the parent directory I can just run versions:use-latest-versions … on
each one of the projects so that it automatically pulled in the latest
version after a release.

The only problem here is that there’s a dependency graph that needs to be

for example, if project A depends on project B, then we have to bump the
version and push project B into maven before we upgrade dependencies on
project A.

This is a frustrating issue…

Ron Wheeler
Artifact Software Inc
email: rwhee...@artifact-software.com
skype: ronaldmwheeler
phone: 866-970-2435, ext 102

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Ron Wheeler
Artifact Software Inc
email: rwhee...@artifact-software.com
skype: ronaldmwheeler
phone: 866-970-2435, ext 102

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