On 6 May 2016 at 09:48, Ben Podgursky <bpodgur...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I see these discussions often, and I wanted to jump in and mention how we
> handle continuous deploys, because I feel that it avoids many of the
> downsides mentioned here, albeit with some (IMO) minor costs:
> - all of our internal dependencies are SNAPSHOT.  we do not do releases,
> ever, or ever depend on a fixed version
> - we attach to the package phase of our builds an assembly which packages
> the artifact and all of the  dependencies it tested against into a tar.gz
> - we deploy the tar.gz to our artifact server with a snapshot version (ex,
> MY_PROJECT-1.0-deploy.tar.gz)
> - when deploying we simply take the last snapshot deploy artifact and unzip
> it in production (+ some  config files etc).
> so while you use SNAPSHOT versions, you are guaranteed that you are
> deploying against tested dependencies.  and you never have to commit
> updated dependency versions, do releases, etc.  the only real cost is a bit
> of artifact server disk spaceā€¦ but disk space is incredibly cheap.

You left out tagging the source code in the built jars.

How are you supposed to pull up the code in production?
Or git bisect, or diff between versions to track down when a defect was

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