Hi Jochen,

On 04/12/16 15:14, Jochen Wiedmann wrote:

trying to deploy a release to Nexus, I end up with files
commons-fileupload-1.3.3-bin.tar.gz.asc.asc.asc.asc. What I did:

    cd target/checkout (Directory created by mvn release:perform)
    mvn -Prealease -Papache-release clean site install deploy

a simple:

mvn -Prelease -Papache-release clean site deploy

is sufficient...

by using the deploy phase all life cycle phases including install will run a second time...

Furthermore during a release:prepare release:perform the "deploy" should already been done...cause usually a release:perform will run things like "deploy"...

Kind regards
Karl Heinz Marbaise

Any ideas, what's wrong?

And (so I can file a bug report): Which plugin is the culprit?


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