We have a large multi-module build where occasionally (often) the
maven-dependency-plugin's unpack and unpack-dependencies goal will skip
their work.  E.g. The specified artifact is not unzipped.

I have not been able to get a handle on what is causing this failure.  This
has been an ongoing issue for some time and we just have to fire off the
build again and generally it will succeed with a few tries and no build

Now for some background.  Our build has several modules/artifacts that are
just resources, e.g. a collection of wsdl & schema files that we then
reference in various parts of the build and unzip (usually with file
filtering) so that the consuming module can perform some operation on the
file(s), e.g. wsimport goal.

Note that in all/most cases we use maven-dependency-plugin to unpack more
than one artifact.  In the one that is failing now, it unpacks two and the
second one fails.

The module that creates the resource zips uses the maven-assembly-plugin
single goal using a descriptor file for each one.  That module creates a
few different zip artifacts this way each with a classifier.

What might be causing these random failures?

I did update the maven-dependency-plugin version from 2.10 to 3.0.0 and
that did not help.  We have been using version 2.6 of the
maven-assembly-plugin and I'm upgrading now to 3.0.0 to see if that helps.

Also to make things more confusing this error occurs more when we have
profile enabled that generates the sources and javadocs jars for each
module.  E.g. when the jar goal of maven-source-plugin &
maven-javadoc-plugin is enabled this error is more repeatable then when not

Any suggestions on what is going on?  I can post poms if helpful.


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