On Wed, Feb 1, 2017 at 1:27 PM Robert Scholte <rfscho...@apache.org> wrote:

> bq. If you want to use JSR-330, you must understand that your code won't
> be compatible with Maven 2 or 3.0.x but only with Maven 3.1.0+
> this is probably the reason why *I* haven't seen it used that much.

Sure.  In my case, this won't matter.

> Your confusion is probably coming from 2 different descriptors, which both
> use @Component.

No, I'm aware of both of them.  I'm interested indirectly in the Maven
plugin API @Component, which indirectly causes a <component> element/stanza
in the plugin.xml.  I know that part.  What I *don't* know (still!) is how,
as an end user, to alter the *components.xml* that is *already present* in
the maven-archetype-plugin (the plugin whose component selection I want to
override) such that *my* implementation is chosen instead of the default
one.  I was hoping to use Sisu/Guice/something else to accomplish this
since there doesn't seem to be any documented way to do it using Plexus

Thanks again for your help.


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