
On 30/05/17 16:44, George Kopf wrote:
I apologize if this topic has already been discussed.  I searched all over
the web and the archives and didn't find anything, but I can't believe that
I'm the only person with this request.

No need to apologize for asking...

I'm running the CI/CD pipeline for several java projects.

We're using Git, Maven, Jenkins, Sonar, and Nexus.

I would like to to have the developers create and own their own POM.XML
that will be used for Snapshots and Release Candidates.

and in consequence also for releases ?

I want to add my build specific POM elements to the effective POM for the
CI process but I don't want their POM to have to include all the extra
elements for Jacoco and Sonar (and whatever else we add in the future >
I can do this with profiles but then their POM will have everything in it.
I can do this with a parent POM but they already have a parent POM
(springboot) so that they can run locally.

If you have springboot as parent it might be a good choice to use spring as bom instead of as a parent...than you can control things different and better...

Does it not work ?

So where is the difference for a CI pom and usual pom file ?

I would have to insert my
parent pom in between and that seems fragile since mine is only for CI

What exactly is fragile here?

I can't do this with the settings.xml, on the build server, because it
doesn't have all the required elements.

Sure the settings.xml has a different purpose...

I hope that there is something obvious that I've missed (like a Jenkins
plugin) but I'm about to give up and just require the developers to live
with an excessively complicated POM file.

Maybe it's worth to take al look at the tiles-maven-plugin[1] which might help here...

Maybe you can give an example what becomes so long or complicated ?

Kind regards
Karl Heinz Marbaise

[1]: https://github.com/repaint-io/maven-tiles

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