
On 13/09/17 23:29, Adam Hardy wrote:

On 12/09/17 18:05, Adam Hardy wrote:
when I'm coding a mojo, if I call MavenProject's getArtifacts(), I can only get artifacts from the project level dependencies.

How do I obtain artifacts from a plugin's dependencies?

The question which comes to my mind: Why do you need the dependencies of your own ? Aren't the defined in your plugin's pom ?

Maybe I misunderstand a thing here?

Presumably I call something like project.getPlugin(key).getDependencies()?

If the 'key' required for project.getPlugin(key) is of the form myGroup:myPlugin:version e.g. com.megacorp:thing-plugin:1.0.2

can I get my mojo's own key programmatically in the mojo to avoid hard-coding it?

Can you please explain what you are trying to accomplish ?

The users of my plugin define a dependency which the mojo unpacks and extracts certain files from.

You know that such a plugin already exists? maven-dependency-plugin:unpack / unpack-dependencies ?


Furthermore the question is why do you need only certain files from it ?

At the moment, I have coded the plugin to take the groupId and artifactId of this dependency via the mojo config.

Sounds good so far...so counting one place...

something like this.

         <groupId>Group to be unpacked</groupId>
         <artifactId>artifact of being upackage</artifactId>

This strikes me as doppel gemoppelt

I assume you mean duplicated ? ( I understand that; But only a few people here on the list have german background).

for the user to put that info in

>I thought I could just enter it once as a plugin dependency in
the user project pom - assuming it would be the only one.

What do you think will the usage as plugin depenency change ?

You can give this via the plugin configuration and which means your plugin must resolve it's dependencies and make a required download for it...which can be easily done by using a maven-artifact-transfer[3].

But I don't see the requirement to define it in two place ?

Kind regards
Karl Heinz Marbaise

[1]: https://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-dependency-plugin/unpack-mojo.html [2]: https://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-dependency-plugin/unpack-dependencies-mojo.html [3]: https://maven.apache.org/shared/maven-artifact-transfer/install-project.html

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