On Sun, Feb 4, 2018 at 3:58 AM Adam Sandor <
adam.san...@container-solutions.com> wrote:

> The only missing piece of the puzzle I can’t figure out is how to force
> Maven to download ALL dependencies just by using the pom file and not
> executing any compilation.


> Now the problem - Maven’s lazy downloading of dependencies. Even if I try
> to execute “mvn dependency:go-offline” Maven still doesn’t download plugins
> and other dependencies, which would only be required during the packaging
> phase.

I dimly recall that if you just do:

mvn dependency:go-offline

…you end up running version 2.8.something of the maven-dependency-plugin.
Its most recent version is 3.0.2.  I also seem to remember that this fixed
the issue you describe above.  Maybe try:

mvn org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-dependency-plugin:3.0.2:go-offline

…?  Good luck.


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