The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Apache
Maven JAR Plugin, version 3.4.0

This plugin provides the capability to build jars.

You should specify the version in your project's plugin configuration:


You can download the appropriate sources etc. from the download page:

Release Notes - Maven JAR Plugin - Version 3.4.0

** Bug
    * [MJAR-62] - Build-Jdk in does not reflect which compiler
version actually compiled the classes in the jar

** New Feature
    * [MJAR-265] - Resources not copied
    * [MJAR-292] - Detect MRJAR and add manifest entry
    * [MJAR-296] - No way to suppress default excludes in maven-jar-plugin
    * [MJAR-302] - Require Maven 3.6.3

** Task
    * [MJAR-303] - Cleanup declared dependencies
    * [MJAR-304] - Refresh download page

** Dependency upgrade
    * [MJAR-293] - Update Parent to 39
    * [MJAR-297] - Update Parent to 40
    * [MJAR-298] - Update Maven-Archiver from 3.6.0 to 3.6.2
    * [MJAR-299] - Upgrade maven-plugin parent to 41
    * [MJAR-306] - Defined versions of plugins in LifecycleMapping should
be up-to day


-The Apache Maven team

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