On Thu, 2006-01-12 at 17:20 -0500, Richard Allen wrote:
> Jerome,
> I need to build and package Web Start applications with a webapp (WAR) 
> and so I was reading over your documentation for webstart-maven-plugin at
> http://docs.codehaus.org/display/MOJO/Webstart+Plugin?focusedCommentId=43309#comment-43309
> I wanted to know how the Java code for your Web Start project gets 
> compiled if it's packaging must be pom. I thought that pom packaging 
> only was attached to the install and deploy phases.

the webstart plugin generates a several files: jnlp file, signed jar
files, etc.... So everything is bundled in a zip artifact that gets
installed in your repository. If I had chosen a 'jar' packaging it would
have installed a jar, and I didn't want that.

You can then use the assembly plugin to bundle your
war-without-webstart-app and your zip. Or I guess you could unzip the
zip file in your exploded war before creating it (just pick the correct

If you find a better way to do all that, I am all ears!


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