I have a multi-module project. The modules POMs are inheriting from a
super-POM ( which is different from the aggregator POM ).
When I run the site plugin, the sites for aggregator POM does not list the
modules under the Modules section. If I change the module POMs to inherit
from the project POM, the modules show up.
Also, when the module POMs inherit from the super-POM, the module site is
deployed under the parent site and not the aggregator project site.
So, how do I get the modules to be deployed correctly, is there anything in
the project POM that needs to be configured differently?
Or, is this a practice that is frowned on?
   +- module 1
            +-pom.xml  ( derives from parent\pom.xml )
   +- module 2
            +-pom.xml  ( derives from parent\pom.xml )
   +- pom.xml            ( the aggregator pom )

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