Hi Dorian,

You can use the site plugin for this. You need to execute "mvn site:site" on the parent directory of your multi-module project.

For example, you have the following directory structure:
|-- pom.xml
|-- Module1
|   |-- src/main/java/../*.java
|   `-- pom.xml
|-- Module2
|   |-- src/main/java/../*.java
|   `-- pom.xml
`-- Module3
   |-- src/main/java/../*.java
   `-- pom.xml

To generate a site that includes Module1, Module2 and Module3, execute "mvn site:site" in Project directory.

Please see also the section on Building More Than One Project At Once at http://maven.apache.org/guides/getting-started/index.html

Hope this hepls! :)


Dorian Gloski wrote:


while migration my projects from maven 1 to maven 2 I'm wondering if there is a way in maven 2 to generate a site for multiple projects like "maven mutliproject:site" in maven 1 does.

Thanks in advance


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