Hi Chris,

This looks like a bug in the Clover plugin. Could you please create a jira
issue and I'll look into it?


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Chris Tucker [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: mardi 24 octobre 2006 00:57
> To: users@maven.apache.org
> Subject: project.build.finalName incorrect in Clover forked lifecycle
> Hi all,
> I'm having some problems with the maven-clover-plugin and generating
> resources (in the generate-resources phase) into the appropriate
> target directory.  The clover plugin forks a lifecycle and modifies
> the build finalName to include the classifier "-clover".  I generate
> a web.xml file (for a war, using xdoclet) using the webdoclet
> configuration:
> <webdoclet destDir="${project.build.directory}/$
> {project.build.finalName}/WEB-INF">
> ...
> </webdoclet>
> This configuration is in a custom execution for the xdoclet plugin,
> running in the generate-resources phase.  It simply states to
> generate some output in the destDir location (the particular output
> isn't really important).
> When the forked lifecycle executes, the project.build.finalName
> property is not reflecting the forked lifecycle's value (i.e. it does
> not include the -clover classifier).  This causes the build to fail,
> as the appropriate configuration files are not written for the war
> plugin to package up a war.
> This problem can also easily be seen by using the maven clover plugin
> (to fork a lifecycle) and binding an ant-run task to the generate-
> resources phase that simply echoes out the appropriate properties:
> <execution>
>       <id>normal</id>
>       <phase>generate-resources</phase>
>       <configuration>
>               <tasks>
>                       <echo message="${project.build.finalName}" />
>               </tasks>
>       </configuration>
>       <goals>
>               <goal>run</goal>
>       </goals>
> </execution>
> This will print out the same finalName in the initial and forked
> lifecycles, even though clover explicitly changes the finalName to
> include the classifier.
> My question is: am I doing something wrong, or does this look like a
> bug in maven?  I'm on the latest stable release of maven (2.0.4),
> using maven-clover-plugin 2.3 and maven-war-plugin 2.0.1.
> One additional piece of interesting (though maybe not relevant)
> information is that help:effective-pom shows the interpolated value
> of the variable ${project.build.finalName}, while it leaves other
> variables (like ${project.build.directory}) in the uninterpreted
> form.  Is there a reason for this, and if so is it possible that
> finalName has been erroneously marked somewhere as constant between
> lifecycles?
> Cheers,
> Chris Tucker


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