> -----Original Message-----
> From: Arnaud Bailly [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: mardi 7 novembre 2006 11:03
> To: Maven Users List
> Subject: Re: We need some explanation ...
> Thanks for the (quick :-)) answer.
> I agree that generated sources are usually
> tested and do not need specific tests, so instrumenting them may not
> be very useful as far as branch/line coverage is concerned. I can
> think however of a use case where you would need coverage of generated
> code.
> Imagine that your generator provides glue code between
> components/classes folloving some pattern of communication and that
> you want to cover with your tests the interaction between two
> classes. You would need instrumentation information for generated
> sources to link standard java method invocation in your classes with
> something in your glue code.
> This all depends on what you are trying to "cover" with your
> tests. All tools I am aware of gives you so-called branch or line
> coverage, but there exists different coverage information that would
> be often more useful to have.

As I said I agree that there are valid use cases. Do you need this feature
for your build? If so, please create a jira issue on the Clover plugin. You
could also provide a patch if you need it. It should be quite easy I think:
we'll need to create 2 new goals: One new
clover:instrumentWithGeneratedSources and one
clover:instrumentInternalWithGeneratesSources. It's kind of ugly but I don't
currently see any other way. 



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