Hi Nicolas,

Nicolas DE LOOF wrote:

The best solution would be to get those jar published by Oo.org themselve. Did you try to contact them for this ? You may sugget your home mades POMs to openoffice developpers for approval prior to creating an upload request. Notice those POMs are not required to be used to build the artifact, they only need to describe them, so Oo.org developer don't have to migrate there build process to be maven compliant.

I agree that it would be the best solution. As I mentioned I did raise an issue with the OOo team


but honestly I don't really expect them to do it. They seem to be quite slow in responding to requests, and they probably give higher priority to improving OOo as a desktop application rather than as a tool that can be integrated in other (possibly server-side) applications.

I'll try submitting some POMs as you said, then wait a week or so and if they don't reply then ask for permission to publish the JARs myself. If after that they still don't answer I'll just try and get them published anyway. They're LGPL after all.



Mirko Nasato a écrit :
Hi all,

I'm moving the JOOReports and JOOConverter (http://jooreports.sourceforge.net) open source projects to a maven2-based build, with an eye to publishing the artifacts to a public repository.

The migration was very easy thanks to the excellent documentation, especially "Better Builds with Maven".

Now for the issue. JOOConverter converts between different document formats using OpenOffice.org automation. To do so it depends on some jars provided by OpenOffice.org. These jars are included in any OpenOffice.org installation. They aren *not* available in any public maven repository. I've raised an issue with the OOo team asking them to publish the jars but I'll be very surprised if they actually listen to that request.

I'd like some advice on how to declare them as dependencies, so that projects that in turn depends on JOOConverter will get them as transitive dependencies with minimum effort. Options I see are

1. install OOo jars manually on the local m2 repo with mvn install:install-file; users will have to do the same; or

2. declare OOo jars as system dependencies, e.g.


 and have users pass

  mvn -Dopenoffice.home=/path/to/their/openoffice ...

 (but system jars don't seem to get packaged e.g. in webapps)

A third (and probably the best) option would be to publish these jars under the JOOConverter groupId, but I'm not sure I'm allowed to do this since I'm not the author.



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