Ok; that almost makes sense; what, other than 'Quartz' should I search
nabble for?  I cant find anything relevent.

Answers to any of the following questions would also be appreciated:

How do i find out which of the dependencies is requesting the bogus
version?  The only thing 'maven site' shows in the dependencies is
ehcache-1.2, the version that must be used with hibernate-3.  The dependency
graph shows that ehcache was required by hibernate-3, and no other
(dissimilar) reference to ehcache is on the page.  I pulled out explicit
dependencies on hibernate from my project pom, and likewise the only
hibernate listed is 3.2.0.rc4 required by spring-hibernate3.

Why is it a class not found exception for a class that is obviously there
and correct and not a no-class-def error as would be expected for a bogus
version of a dependency (wrong method invocation, exception in initializer,

Why is this error not showing up in eclipse, when as far as i can tell the
same jar files are being used.

Thanks; much appreciated;

On 11/14/06, Lee Meador <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

This has been discussed before. You can find it in nabble, I think.

The issue has to do with spring wanting one version of hibernate and
hibernate wanting a version of ehcache and the versions conflict with each
other. In my case, using Quartz which wanted another version of ehcache,
would pick one version of ehcache for one project and another version for
another project.

You solve it by specifying versions for things in some places and
dependencies in others. I forget the details.

-- Lee

-- Lee Meador
Sent from gmail. My real email address is lee AT leemeador.com

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