They aren't shell scripts, actually... they're Ant scripts.

This is from EJ Ciramella:
<target name="build">
 <checksum algorithm="sha1" forceoverwrite="true">
  <fileset dir=".">
    <include name="**/*.pom"/>
    <include name="**/*.jar"/>
    <include name="**/*.xml"/>
    <checksum algorithm="md5" forceoverwrite="true">
  <fileset dir=".">
    <include name="**/*.pom"/>
    <include name="**/*.jar"/>
    <include name="**/*.xml"/>

And this is from Gunther Popp:
<project name="prepare-repo" basedir="D:\mvn_repos\plugin" default="run">
 <target name="run">
   <move todir="${basedir}" verbose="true">
     <fileset dir="${basedir}">
       <include name="**/maven-metadata-central.*"/>
     <regexpmapper from="(.*)maven-metadata-central.(.*)"

You'll need to customize them a little for your specific use, but this
should get you on the right path.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Wayne Fay [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 16 November 2006 17:02
> To: Maven Users List
> Subject: Re: [M2] Howto Set Up Quickly an Offline Internal Repository?
> We've had this discussion before on this list, and I know
> someone posted a way to convert a local repo into a "remote"
> repo with some shell scripts.

Well if there are scripts I cannot find them in nabble or otherwise.

Peter Pilgrim
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