"Nigel Magnay" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I actually had a related issue - our project is comprised of many jar
> and war fragments and, good though the jetty plugin is, it's helpful
> when debugging webapps in eclipse when hotswap fails (which is
> always), to be able to have it automatically copy changed class files
> into the running application. The existing eclipse integrations (last
> time I looked) seemed to concentrate on replacing the IDE compile
> function with maven which is a total non-starter, because it takes
> *forever*.

Never used. 

> I did something simple in .net (mostly because when I go near the
> maven codebase, the vast array of poorly documented dependences like
> plexus scares me and I don't have the time to figure it all out),
> but

That's also what is refraining me ! I love using maven, I think the
people behind it did a great job, but contributing on your spare time
is somewhat challenging as coding information is lacking, particularly
as you noted it on related projects. 

> I think a decent editor that didn't force people to hack XML would be
> nice, as well as the ability to do things like
> - detect possibly unneded dependencies

Could you please elaborate on this ? Do you think about something like
extracting dependencies from compiled classes and inferring unused
deps ? 

> - "promote" common dependencies to a parent pom

Something like easy <dependencyManagement> ?

> - UI for setting up common plugins (compile, report, assembly)

Could you please elaborate on this one too ?

BTW, did you try the pomtools plugin ?


OQube < software engineering \ génie logiciel >
Arnaud Bailly, Dr.
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