Hi Manos

mmm, why would the manifest of the .ear have classpath entries?
the classpath entries you need are in the manifest of your project for which
you have
jars (pls anyone correct me if i m wrong)

what your ear should contain is artifacts for your project,
META-INF\application.xml and common libraries.

I believe maven ear plugin is clever enough to know, if two projects depends
on the same library, to add it to the .EAR (of course, this will depend on
the <scope> of your dependencies)

Pls anyone correct me if i m wrong..  Manos, best suggestion is that you try
a simple .ear project for yourself and see what maven does with Manifest....

i think you'll find solution to your problems quite soon...

if not, let me know, i'll mail you a sample that i have at home so you can
see where all dependencies go

If your war are dependent to libraries which are common to other projects,
don't put them in the war, change their scope so that they won't be


On 2/6/07, Manos Batsis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hey Marco,

Thanks for your email.

Quoting Marco Mistroni <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>  any particular reason for not using maven-ear-plugin, since it will
> generate manifest classpath entries based on dependencies of your
> projects?

I use it already, but i probably not to its full extent. The manifest it
creates for the EAR has no classpath entry. Do i have to tell the plugin
to create it using jarModule elements for all the runtime dependencies
or is there an other way?

Even then:

* Do i have to manually exclude the deps from my WAR using the plugin?
* Will the WAR and EJB-JAR obey the EAR manifest? I used to create the
manifest for those modules with Ant for this structure to work.

Many thanks,


> hth
>  marco
> On 2/6/07, Manos Batsis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> > Hello,
> >
> > Back in my Ant-based projects i used the pathconvert to generate
> > manifest files from myruntime.classpathref. I also filtered all
> those
> > jars out of my WARs/WEB-INF/lib and put them in the EAR/lib, where
> > (thanks to the manifests) both EJBs and WAR classes could access
> them,
> > avoiding duplication of library JARs.
> >
> > I'm getting ready to port the same logic through the antrun plugin,
> then
> > use exclusions and what not to finally end up with the same
> structure
> > and was wondering if there is a better way to do this.
> >
> > Thanks in advance,
> >
> > Manos
> >
> >
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