I'm close to having a beautiful maven (2.0.4) build using 3 handy
plugins:  appassembler, assembly, and rpm.

My app is a simple command line thing.  I use appassembler to create
wrapper shell scripts, and assembly to package it as a tarball.

I occasionally need to build an RPM, so I added a profile 'rpm' that
invokes the rpm-maven-plugin, but activating this profile reverses the
order of the executions of the other two.

In other words, this command runs appassembler, then assembly, as
  $ mvn package
But this one runs assembly *BEFORE* appassembler, and then rpm:
  $ mvn -Prpm package

WTF?  I require appassembler to run first, obviously.  I've tried
binding appassembler to an earlier phase, but it always fails,
apparently because it requires the jar built only in the package phase.

I could do away with the profile and always try to build the rpm (that
solves my plugin ordering problem) but it breaks the build when run on a
Windows platform.

Any other ideas?


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