Hello, I am invoking some ant targets using maven antrun plugin but I cant
see how to pass maven properties to Ant build file. For example, I have the
following maven property:


But this properties is not accessible in ant build. Even if I put the ant
target inside pom.xml I cant access it. If I execute the config below:

                   <echoproperties />

I get only theses properties:

[INFO] [antrun:run {execution: default}]
[INFO] Executing tasks
[echoproperties] #Ant properties
[echoproperties] #Tue Feb 06 16:56:03 GMT-03:00 2007
[echoproperties] ant.project.name=DummyProject
[echoproperties] basedir=C\:\\Eclipse3.2.1\\workspace\\Atendimento
[INFO] Executed tasks

I already have try use propertyset with "ant" task to pass ${
project.properties} but without success.

Marcos Silva Pereira
recife - pe

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