On 2/7/07, matthewadams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

If I have two unrelated plugins, A & B, that need to run during the same
build lifecycle phase, but A needs to run before B, how do I control that?

For example, say I needed some aspect weaving and some persistent
enhancement to go on during the process-classes phase, but I needed the
persistent enhancement to always execute after the aspect weaving.

This is the same as my post

which links to some other threads on Nabble.

I think the answer is that you can't in 2.0.4 but may be able to in
the yet to be released 2.0.5.

Luckily for me the indeterminate order happens to be the order I want
the plugins to run in.

If plugins are at the same lifecycle they are meant to be run in the
order declared.

You may be able to fudge what  you want by binding to a later phase in
the lifecycle that is not yet being used.  See
for the list of phases. e.g. generate-test-sources or something.

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