Tommy Knowlton wrote on Tuesday, February 06, 2007 11:19 PM:

> Hello,
> I've got a parent POM that declares e.g.,
> <project>
>   ...
>   <url>${project.artifactId}</url>
> </project> 
> (in other words, top-level configuration that varies by the project
> that has declared this parent).
> Problem is, when I look at the effective POM (mvn
> help:effective-pom), it shows up as follows: 
> <project>
>   ...
>   <artifactId>m-installer</artifactId>
>   <url></url>
> <project> 
> See where the duplication is occurring? Should I expect that? How can
> I use top-level config in the parent pom that uses values taken from
> the "child" pom? 
> Note that the problem doesn't only occur when I use
> help:effective-pom, that's just been a useful way to help me figure
> out wth is going on. Also, it's not just <url/> but other values that
> are referred using a ${project.XYZ} form. On the other hand, inside
> the "child" POM, I have other values that refer to ${artifactId} (not
> ${project.artifactId}) and these behave as I would expect.
> Is this a bug in the code that resolves ${project} references?

No, this is a feature (that fails miserably when the directory in your 
repository does not match the artifactId ... MNG-2290).

- Jörg

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