Good day,

Sorry, but I ran out of ideas.

But maybe archiva has some functionalities that can help you manage your
repository ( see [1] and [2] ). And if it does not, you might want to ask
for those functionalities ( see [3] ) :-)



Joseph Leniston wrote:
> Hi Franz,
> I thought that would be the case. I have found a bug report that describes
> my issue but it was created over a year ago so I don't hold out much hope
> of it being fixed soon.
> We have an old application (started in the late 90's) that is built using
> ANT scripts. It would be very painful to migrate the build to Maven. So
> the next best thing is to use a maven repository for library file
> management and the dependencies task to manage the dependencies in ANT.
> Up till now the library files have not been managed. The libraries used in
> the build are not the same as used at run time. Some of the library files
> required by the application are no longer maintained and I don't know what
> version they are. We also have some custom libraries. So I have created
> our own maven repository and added the libraries using artifact:install.
> It will be another exercise to get the application working with known
> versions of the libraries.
> I have set the POM files up as per the instructions on
> Is there another way to access the
> maven repository from within an ANT script? Any suggestions are gratefully
> received.
> Thanks,
> Joseph
> franz see wrote:
>> Good day to you, Joseph,
>> AFAIK, you cannot control the order of the dependencies...And I can't
>> think of a workaround.
>> Curious, why use antlib for your dependency management and not use
>> maven's ?
>> Cheers,
>> Franz
>> Joseph Leniston wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I am using Antlib for Maven 2.0 to do dependency management in our ant
>>> builds. I have a number of POM files for compiling common, server and
>>> client code. I also want to use maven to manage our server runtime
>>> classpath. I use the following code to get the server runtime classpath
>>> from a POM file and store it in a pathId for use later.
>>>         <artifact:dependencies pathId="cp.server.runtime.jars"
>>> filesetId="server.runtime.jars.fileset" >
>>>             <remoteRepository refid="maven.repository" />
>>>             <pom
>>> file="${}/server_runtime_pom.xml" />
>>>         </artifact:dependencies>
>>> However if I list the contents of the cp.server.runtime.jars property
>>> the jar files are not in the order I specified:
>>>             <property name="cp" refid="cp.server.runtime.jars"/>
>>>             <echo message="Server Runtime Classpath is ${cp}"/>
>>> It is important that I can specify the order of the runtime jar files
>>> because there is a patch that must be first in the classpath. Is there a
>>> way to specify an order of jar files in the POM file? Or to force the
>>> dependencies to be stored in the pathID property in the same order as in
>>> the POM file?
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