I'm developing a fairly large project consisting of many parts and
dependencies; when running the web project in the jetty container
using the maven-jetty-plugin (6.1-SNAPSHOT) I am getting what appears
to be a classloader issue.  Specifically I am getting a
ClassCastException at TagHandlerPool.get(Class) line 116; I'm not sure
where the sources are so I cannot be absolutely certain, but it
appears (from using the debugger's variable inspector) that the
tagpool is trying to obtain an instance of "class
org.apache.taglibs.standard.tag.el.core.IfTag" and casting it to the
Tag interface.  This problem has only surfaced after an unrelated
dependency (one of the other collaborating projects) was modified.
The jsp line it seems to be failing on is: <c:if
test="${!currentPage}">; I've tried changing the dependency on jstl to
have a provided scope but "mvn -X" still shows it being selected for
compile.  I'm not sure where else to go from here.

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