The problem arises when "blah" is used as a dependency in a downstream
project that is not using commons logging at all (ie, slf4j); since
that project will not have commons logging as a dependency it gets
resolved and included in the project from the transitive dependency on
spring-dao.  Since it is not known why this is happening, is the only
solution to have every project either exclude it from just about every
framework dependency or declare it but never both?

Did global transitive dependency exclusions make it into the feature
set of maven?

On 4/25/07, Wendy Smoak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 4/25/07, Trevor Torrez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm trying to eliminate commons-logging from being transitively passed
> on to projects that depend on my library and my library uses spring.
> Spring uses commons-logging but doesn't mark it as optional or
> scope:provided, however when I try to exclude commons logging from a
> spring dependency, I no longer get it even though it is declared in my
> pom.

You don't need the exclusion.  Just declare commons-logging 1.1 and
that will override the version coming from Spring.


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