Thanks a lot Wayne, that's great help.

It does seem a lot of work to do this for every jar file the project
depends on but I guess I can write a script to do it.

I feel that the documentation for Maven is not that good. Its not very
clear or well structured, making it hard to find what you need,
especially for people who are new to it.

For example, the Introduction to Repositories page
which talks about Internal Repositories, contains no information about
using mvn deploy:deploy-file.

There's also hardly anything on this in the Better Build with Maven
book from Mergere.

I think this is a gap in the Maven documentation. But I also feel that
the Maven documentation is weakness in the Maven project generally and
probably hinders it's adoption.

Thanks very much
Andy Birchall

On 07/06/07, Wayne Fay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
mvn install:install-file and mvn deploy:deploy-file are your friends
-- and they are very well-documented [1] [2] including a FAQ [3].
Assuming you have oc4j.jar and want to push it into the shared
corporate repo:

mvn deploy:deploy-file​r
-DartifactId=oc4j -Dversion= -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=oc4j.jar
-DgeneratePom=true -DrepositoryId=your_id

You will have to pick the groupId, artifactId, version for all your
jars. Also, you will need to follow the directions regarding setting
up the repositoryId in your settings.xml and of course get the right
file:// path. But that's it.



On 6/7/07, Andrew Birchall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> I am trying to Mavenize a multi-module J2EE Oracle ADF project that is
> currently built with several Ant scripts and developed in JDeveloper
> One of the main problems I have is that the project depends on many
> Artifacts (jar files) distributed with JDeveloper.
> Thus, In order to build this project with Maven I have to set up an
> internal repository in our company with all the JDeveloper jar files.
> At the moment I am trying to do this with the file:// protocol on a
> network share.
> However I'm not really sure the way to go about this and I can't seem
> to find any good documentation on it. Non of the jars distributed with
> JDeveloper are versioned. Do I have to version all the jar files
> myself and put them in the correct package directories, in order to
> conform to the Maven repository layout convention? How do I know what
> version to re-name the jar files to?
> If I do have to do this its a BIG and tedious job because there's so
> many dependencies. And what about the pom files for each jar, how do
> these get created?
> I'd be very grateful to hear from anyone who can help
> Kind regards
> Andy Birchall
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