Hi Jo,

I can not use the parent class loader since that would render the whole
exercise useless. The whole point is not using the standard classloader
otherwise it is impossible to unload classes. Remember, I want to test
static blocks ( static { some code } ) . So I need fresh copies of my
class for every single test. That's why I use the ReloadableClassLoader.

This custom classloader does not use the normal commandline but the
'java.class.path' system property to determine the classpath. Retrieving
this system property reveals only one classpath entry.


Thus all entries in the classpath reported by 'mvn -X' do not show up

An alternative to using 'java.class.path' is fine with me, but from
where can I programmatically retrieve the classpath to feed to the
custom classloader. Is it possible to get the classpath from the active



-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
Vandermeeren, Jo
Verzonden: vrijdag 8 juni 2007 14:49
Aan: Maven Users List
Onderwerp: Re: Classpath issues with maven 2.0.6

On 6/8/07, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <
> Snippet of the "mvn test -X" ouput:
> ==================================
> <snip>
> [DEBUG] Test Classpath :
> [DEBUG] K:\Sources\Prefs\memoryprefs\target\test-classes
> [DEBUG] K:\Sources\Prefs\memoryprefs\target\classes
> [DEBUG] K:\Sources\Prefs\memoryprefs\target\classes
> [DEBUG] K:\Sources\Prefs\memoryprefs\target\test-classes
> K:\Repositories\maven2\.m2\repository\junit\junit\4.3.1\junit-4.3.1.ja
> r
> K:\Repositories\maven2\.m2\repository\org\slf4j\slf4j-simple\1.4.0\slf
> 4j
> -simple-1.4.0.jar
> K:\Repositories\maven2\.m2\repository\org\slf4j\slf4j-api\1.4.0\slf4j-
> ap
> i-1.4.0.jar
> <snap>

Hi Minto

I have reduced your output to show nothing but the test classpath that
is defined by your project.
As you can see, both target/classes and target/test-classes are
(Twice, it seems.. kind of strange..)
Also your dependencies are listed.

The only stuff that is appended by Eclipse are the eclipse jars..
Note that compilation and running tests in Eclipse is done by Eclipse
itself, not by Maven.

If your custom classloader uses the system classloader for delegation,
there is no way to catch the additional libararies.
Since the sourceode of the classloader is already in your project, you
might as well adjust it.
Try using the context classloader as a parent instead.


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