Check the versions of your project(s) if its a snapshot.
You cannot release a project that is no longer a snapshot, because that would mean it has been released already.


javijava wrote:
Sorry if the question is too easy, i'm new with maven. I want declare a
Snapshot  but in the  release plugin (i think is necessary have snapshot's
to do a release:prepare) i have  a  "you don't  have a SNAPSHOT project in
the reactor projects list" error. Some one knows wuat is wrong??

This is the POM file:
//scm tags because i want work with SVN repository

<developerConnection>scm:svn:http://localhost:80/svn/prova/repo/trunk </developerConnection>

//the place where download files ( i think)
            <name>prova download</name>
            <name>repositori snapshot</name>

//the place where deploy files ( i think)
            <name>repositori snapshot</name>
</snapshotRepository> </distributionManagement>

The .m2/settings.xml



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