Plotnicki, Grzegorz wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm curious if it would be possible/feasible/in-line with maven
> philosophy to be able to specify in the <parent/> tag ONLY
> <relativePath/> tag or at least, if the <relativePath/> is present be
> able to skip the <version/> tag?

It would be impossible, because the pom.xml needs to remain valid when
deployed into a repository, at which point the <relativePath/> would no
longer be of use.

> That is, in the multi-module project, all the modules have to refer to
> the parent pom with groupId, artifactId and version in the <parent/>
> tag, thus duplicating what is already defined in the parent pom. In
> addition, it's rather common for all the modules to share parent's
> groupId and version -- groupId is ok, but version changes quite often
> and going through all the modules and changing the common version seems
> cumbersome and unnecessary -- especially, that <relativePath/> tag could
> uniquely identify parent pom.
> Or is there an easier way to achieve the same effect?

The release plugin is supposed to do all the updates for you.


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