Le vendredi 3 août 2007, Developer Abe a écrit :
> I have a web based app (using appfuse) which is built by Maven.
> I am trying to deploy the project in a large scale build environment which
> is using Ant exclusively.  The build engineers are hesitant about using
> Maven because they do not have any expertise in Maven.
> I was wondering if there is an easy way to incorporate my web module into
> the overall Ant build.
> I am not a Ant build guru by any means.
> I looked into the exec task but I was wondering how it would notify the ant
> build of test failures when running Maven tasks.
> Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.
> Regards,
> Abe

Did you have a look at Maven Ant Tasks?
With them, you can incorporate Maven's dependency management into an Ant 
buildfile, and only dependency management: that's a limited level of 
integration that should help with hesitant build engineers because they keep 
total control on the build process.

If you want to use more Maven features with these tasks, you'll have to vote 
for http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MANTTASKS-71: it is not implemented yet.



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