Farrukh Najmi wrote:
Jacques Couzteau wrote:
I'm trying to build an existing spring framework applictaion. It's trying to download xmldsig-1.0.jar from here http://download.java.net/maven/1//javax.xml.crypto/jars/xmldsig-1.0.jar and here http://repo1.maven.org/maven2/javax/xml/crypto/xmldsig/1.0/xmldsig-1.0.jar

The jar is no-where to be found. Where can I get it?

I noticed a POM is available at

Thats the one to get. You will need to fix your pom for correct artifactdid etc. as they have changed.
Best of luck.

On further examination the jar is missing there. As I recall I had to manually install the jar in my local repo.
Will let java.net folks know so they can fix this. Thanks.


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