Hi Kyle,

Try putting your plugin config in the <pluginManagement> of your child POM. Don't forget to specify the maven-clean-plugin in the <pluginManagement> of you parent POM as well.

Please see http://maven.apache.org/pom.html#Build (Plugins and Plugin Management sections) for the explanation :-)


Kyle.Bober wrote:
I have a parent pom that contains several children modules. In one of the
child modules I have the following maven-clean-plugin configured:

                        <id>Delete JAX-WS Generated Client Sources</id>
</filesets> </configuration>

When I execute the clean phase via the child module POM it deletes the
fileset accordingly. When I call the clean phase from the parent POM it
never calls the child modules maven-clean-plugin fileset. Why is this? Am I
missing something?

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