This is old, and you may have figured out your issue, but this is what worked
for us.

We had our artifactory configured to use both apache's official maven
release and snaphot repositories.  We also had our settings.xml set to be a
mirrorOf "*" so that everything would go to our artifactory repo.  

I couldn't figure out why it kept complaining about
maven-archetype-plugin:pom:1.0-SNAPSHOT.  Well, its because the snapshot in
the apache repository is probably busted!  I added the
maven-archetype-plugin to the excludes pattern for the apache snapshot repo
and voila, it works.

            <description> snapshot repository</description>
            <!-- the maven-archetype-plugin is completely screwed up in the m2
snapshots -->

Vanja Petreski wrote:
> Hello,
> I have Maven 2.0.7 installation on the SVN with configured settings.xml,
> so
> every developer can update changes (for example, about repo, etc..).
> I am using Artifactory for repository management and everything work
> perfectly until now.
> If I use, for example, mvn archetype:create
> -DgroupId=com.blah-DartifactId=modulX in a folder that doesn't contain
> pom.xml, Maven stucks at "update blah blah from central", where central is
> my Artifactory cache repo. I thought that there is a problem with
> Artifactory, but after an hour of experimenting I realized when I use the
> same command in a directory that contains pom.xml, it works.
> So, in the first case, Maven doesn't recognize global settings.xml!?
> Can somebody explain this strange behaviour or this is a bug?
> V

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