I was a Maven 1 user on a couple of project a long time ago - I'm now upgrading my skills to Maven 2, and also managing the build process for a straightforward web app deploying into WebSphere.

I have a top-level project with a bunch of sub-projects... one of which is a set of functional tests. I want to drop my ear into websphere, run the tests, and undeploy. This blog has been very helpful:


The setup in that blog with a test project deploy attached to the pre- integration-test phase is similar to the code example from the BBWM book.

My problem is in the intersection of Maven lifecycle, profiles, and functional tests.

Most of the time, we don't want to run the functional tests - so we have the project that runs the tests in a profile, so we can start up as "-P functional". Conceptually, I find it bad form that we first have to run up to "mvn install", then run "mvn install -P functional", but if we don't do it this way, the pre-integration-test phase (where we deploy to websphere), will be using the artifact from an unknown build - that is, the pre-integration-test phase is well before the install goal has been run for the things I want to deploy and test.

Am I missing something? Conceptually, it seems to me that in addition to running all goals in the lifecycle across the projects, I should be able to run through the lifecycle multiple times with 'sets' of projects, varying that set each time.

Can someone educate me with the Maven2 way? Is there a better way to be doing this?


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