To change the format for the dependency artifacts, add something like the
following to the dependencySet:


For other options to fine-tune your assembly configuration, see:


On Wed, Apr 16, 2008 at 10:32 AM, Krishnamurthi, Venkat <

> Hi,
> I used the following assembly descriptor to create an assembly directory
> with my project's jar and all the jars that are it's dependencies:
> <assembly>
>        <id>distribution</id>
>        <formats>
>                <format>dir</format>
>        </formats>
>        <includeBaseDirectory>false</includeBaseDirectory>
>        <fileSets>
>                <fileSet>
>                        <directory>target</directory>
>                        <outputDirectory></outputDirectory>
>                        <includes>
>                                <include>*.jar</include>
>                        </includes>
>                </fileSet>
>        </fileSets>
>        <dependencySets>
>                <dependencySet>
>                        <outputDirectory>/lib</outputDirectory>
>                        <unpack>false</unpack>
>                        <scope>runtime</scope>
>                </dependencySet>
>        </dependencySets>
> </assembly>
> However, all the jars that are copied inside lib/ had the version
> numbers attached to them. Is there a way to filter out these version
> numbers and just have the jars.
> Also, if I want to create this assembly directory at a location outside
> this projects's target directory, where do I specify that path.
> Thanks and Regards,
> Venkat
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John Casey
Maven Developer (

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