This is a fairly involved use case, but I'd suggest taking a slightly different approach. First, split your plugin configuration into two <execution> sections, instead of per assembly descriptor. This should allow you to set the <finalName> for your distro ZIP, but not the plugin ZIP. Next, make sure the plugin assembly is built first, maybe by specifying it as the first <execution/> of the assembly plugin in your POM (this should work), or by attaching it via <phase>test</phase> (if it doesn't work).

So, when you build your plugin zip, it'll have a filename other than what you want in your maybe or something. You can actually put this under a different name inside your distro zip by adjusting the outputFileNameMapping (in <dependencySet/>) or destName (in <file/>). When your distro assembly descriptor executes, direct it to include the plugin's alternative filename instead of the one you specified in the finalName.

As for the warning you're seeing in the log files, I'd need a little more context from the log output to understand what's going on there...I'd probably have to go look back at the source code to see where it was coming from, if the logs didn't shed more light on it.



Dobri Kitipov wrote:
Hi all,
currently I am trying to execute an assembly that makes use of two
descriptors. I want to package a given artifact as a ZIP (i.e. my product
eclipse plugin) and then include it in an artifact (i.e. my product
distribution) that has a DIR and ZIP format set. The problem is that in the
first descriptor (D1) have ZIP format, but I have the same format into the
second descriptor (D2). As these two descriptors are specified to one given
assembly plugin they share one common <finalName> specified:

This causes a problem because when the first artifact (A1) is crearted it
has the name myproduct-${myproduct.version}.zip, then this artifact is
overridden by the second artifact (A2) created by D2 execution that need to
include the A1.
So, my question is is it possible to use different names for A1 and A1 when
their descriptors are executed toggether?

Additionally I can read into the assembly log the following note:
"NOTE: If multiple descriptors or descriptor-formats are provided for this
project, the value of this file will be non-deterministic!"

What does it mean? Does it mean that the order of the invocation/execution
of the descriptors is non-deterministic? or what?

Thank you in advance

John Casey
Developer, PMC Member - Apache Maven (

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