It's not possible since the parent pom.xml may have been resolved from
the repository.

-----Original Message-----
From: Simon Trudeau [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, August 06, 2008 5:52 PM
Subject: What is the directory of the parent pom.xml file?

I am currently trying to copy, using the maven-dependency-plugin, all my
dependencies from all my child modules into a directory relative to the
root parent folder (the one containing the root pom.xml file). Since
copy-dependencies command, invoked from the parent pom, is recursive, it
looks like I cannot specify the root pom folder as ${basedir} since this
value is different for each project!
Is there a way to know the absolute value (directory) of the root parent
How do you reference a directory relative to the root folder of a multi
module project in maven?
|-----outputdir (relative to P)
Thanks for your help,

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