Nah, we can drop "ideology" in the bitbucket.  It's a matter of using
the tool that best does the job.

Maven is really good at representing the structure of large, complex
projects simply, and pretty good at organizing the large-scale flow of
operations involved in realizing them.  Ant is rather good at giving
you very close control of how specific tasks are carried out, when you
are willing to do a lot of writing.  Together they make a good team.
You may find that specific step-by-step processing which is difficult
to express in Maven is easily accomplished in Ant, and that structures
which are overwhelmingly wordy in Ant become concise and natural in

So, if you need both, use both.  But use each where it helps more than
it hurts.  If you can do 90% of the task faster and with fewer
mistakes in Maven, use it for that 90%.  If the last 10% won't go in
naturally, then use Ant for the 10% -- forcing the tool is one common
source of errors and delays.

Mark H. Wood, Lead System Programmer   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Typically when a software vendor says that a product is "intuitive" he
means the exact opposite.

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