The Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Maven Assembly Plugin, version 2.2-beta-3

This plugin is used to create custom archives using the build output, dependencies, and other files owned by a Maven project. You can find more information, including instructions and examples, at:

You should specify the version in your project's plugin configuration:


Release Notes - Maven 2.x Assembly Plugin - Version 2.2-beta-3

** Sub-task
* [MASSEMBLY-361] - Fix MASSEMBLY-285 default behaviour to be the correct behaviour

** Bug
* [MASSEMBLY-75] - Unpacked TAR dependencies do not preserve file mode nor uid/gid
    * [MASSEMBLY-165] - Test error on Windows XP + Cygwin
* [MASSEMBLY-190] - Problem with dependency conflict resolution on multi-module project
    * [MASSEMBLY-196] - use of repository assembly is no longer working
    * [MASSEMBLY-201] - classifier not included in name of dependency set
* [MASSEMBLY-211] - assembly plugin and jar plugin disagree about whether to use uniqueVersion snapshot names
    * [MASSEMBLY-213] - jar-with-dependencies and signed jars issue again
    * [MASSEMBLY-217] - <outputFileNameMapping> needs to report collision.
* [MASSEMBLY-230] - <fileset> not filtering resources, but <files> does filter
    * [MASSEMBLY-236] - assembly:assembly resolves excluded artifacts
    * [MASSEMBLY-237] - lineEnding ignored in a child project
    * [MASSEMBLY-238] - Assembly plugin removes file permissions
    * [MASSEMBLY-241] - Multiple includes in dependencySet
    * [MASSEMBLY-242] - transitive dependencies do not get included
* [MASSEMBLY-245] - Manifest Section configuration does not work properly * [MASSEMBLY-251] - NullPointer wehn using scope system in a dependencySet * [MASSEMBLY-256] - Regression: pom properties are no longer expanded in descriptor. * [MASSEMBLY-264] - Filtering in Assembly Generates Blank Files in the Archive * [MASSEMBLY-270] - Assembly does not resolved managed dependencies correctly * [MASSEMBLY-280] - Regression: Dependency resolution for dependencySets does broken things
    * [MASSEMBLY-284] - regression: line ending setting is not honoured
    * [MASSEMBLY-285] - regression: duplicate files added to the assembly
* [MASSEMBLY-287] - Unable to pass -DskipAssembly=true through the command line to skip the assembly plugin. * [MASSEMBLY-291] - attach the resulting assembly not working as expected * [MASSEMBLY-293] - <fileSets> not filtered in multimodule build, but <files> are
    * [MASSEMBLY-294] - Regression - dependency is skipped?
    * [MASSEMBLY-297] - Assembly broke on GNU/Linux - NullPointerException
* [MASSEMBLY-298] - Includes/Excludes within <unpackOptions> are ignored * [MASSEMBLY-300] - Regression: outputFileNameMapping variable resolution * [MASSEMBLY-301] - assembly:attach wrongly renames/overwrites assemblies to the primary artifact * [MASSEMBLY-302] - Maven assembly plugin should use plexus-archiver version * [MASSEMBLY-306] - Dependency resolution fails with an NPE for a provided dependency with a fixed version
    * [MASSEMBLY-308] - Syntax Problem in Example Doco
* [MASSEMBLY-309] - outputFileNameMapping fails and includes parent's name * [MASSEMBLY-312] - outputFileNameMapping not respected when the unpack=true * [MASSEMBLY-314] - Multiple inclusion of dependencies in binary assembly
    * [MASSEMBLY-318] - Example to attach assembly to package incorrect
    * [MASSEMBLY-319] - Cannot bind to lifecycle with multiple modules
* [MASSEMBLY-322] - Filtering in filesets in multimodule build does not work * [MASSEMBLY-328] - When assembly is attached to pom with appendAssemblyId disabled, it won't be installed or deployed * [MASSEMBLY-331] - assembly descriptor doesn't seem to property substitute properties * [MASSEMBLY-340] - Filtering doesn't work for multimodule assembly builds * [MASSEMBLY-341] - Fat JAR assemblies may result in JARs with duplicate files
    * [MASSEMBLY-342] - NPE when filtering fileSet
* [MASSEMBLY-345] - a"ppxml attribute is required" error when making ears with the assembly plugin * [MASSEMBLY-351] - ${project.xxxx} is not interpolated in the descriptor * [MASSEMBLY-354] - useTransitiveFiltering does NOT include artifacts whose dependency trail matches one of the include patterns when it has wildcards * [MASSEMBLY-355] - I get duplicate files in my "-jar-with-dependencies.jar" * [MASSEMBLY-375] - Leading slash in Windows when including one file in archive.

** Improvement
* [MASSEMBLY-76] - [assembly plugin] improve or clarify inheriting/reusing descriptors * [MASSEMBLY-159] - Add FAQ about building multi-module assemblies from the top using Maven 2.0
    * [MASSEMBLY-216] - archive element in assembly descriptor
* [MASSEMBLY-239] - In format dir, be able to create a dir without the suffix .dir * [MASSEMBLY-366] - DependencySet info message should be changed to debug level


-The Maven team

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