
I am trying to use a top-level POM to assemble all the artifacts of
several modules into a single assembly for delivery (exactly what the
assembly plugin is for, I think). I've got it almost there, but I keep
running into a strange problem: "[WARNING] The following patterns were
never triggered in this artifact inclusion filter"

Specifically, for most of the modules, I use the moduleSet in the
following bin.xml:



This works great, with the following in the top-level POM:


The file is there and everything is good and as expected.

However, one of the modules I need to build as a
"jar-with-dependencies" and include in a different part of the
assembly. To do that, I've got another module, "extentions", with the


When this is commented out in the "extensions/pom.xml", everything
works (except for building the needed jar-with-deps). When it is not
commented out, I get the following error:

[INFO] [assembly:single {execution: assemble-extension}]
[INFO] Reading assembly descriptor: src/main/assembly/bin.xml
[WARNING] The following patterns were never triggered in this artifact
inclusion filter:
o  'com.verdiem.polaris:api'
o  'com.verdiem.polaris:core'

[WARNING] NOTE: Currently, inclusion of module dependencies may
produce unpredictable results if a version conflict occurs.
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

My hope is that I can get the jar-with-dependencies built and then
included in the final assembly with a fileSet in the bin.xml.

I have also tried this using another module specifically for the final
assembly, but I cannot get the moduleSet to work in that module.

Any ideas on how I can get the assembly working?


- philion

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