On Wed, Jan 28, 2009 at 2:13 PM, Jason van Zyl <jvan...@sonatype.com> wrote:
> On 27-Jan-09, at 6:41 PM, Barrie Treloar wrote:
>>> repositories. They might become OBRs at some point when OSGi becomes
>>> more "mainstream".
>> One thing I have been toying with for a while is to auto-magically
>> extend maven-jar-plugin to add the OSGi headers.
> I really don't think this is a great idea. I think for a bundle to be useful
> someone needs to provide proper imports and exports.
>> I haven't given a lot of thought into what I need to do, but if I
>> recall correctly, getting a simple OSGified jar isn't much work and if
>> Maven did this out of the box then the maven repository would become
>> OSGified over time as projects release their artifacts.
> We've toyed around with this idea, but if you want something useful I think
> it's really hard to infer something useful. Making a manifest that is
> workable with OSGi is not that hard and the author of a package is probably
> the person to do it. I think what we can do is give a brief guideline as to
> what's commonly expected and help people create correct and useful bundles.
> Maven central is the biggest bundle repository in waiting :-)

I agree it is sub-optimal.

I think I would be suggesting a very broad approach.
* OSGi bundle id matching group/artifactId combos.
* exporting everything that is within the current artifact
* wiring OSGi dependencies to match artifact dependencies probably
without version ranges.

Without thinking about it properly I think that would get people
80%-90% there with OSGi without having to re-wrap artifacts.
I can't see how it will make things worse.
This approach has some down sides
* it exposes more than the author would expect
* the dependencies may not yet be OSGified (but as they get released
via maven that would get fixed)
* OSGi headers may not be what the author would prefer (but they would
be consistent with maven guidelines)

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